
news and stuff

So, it's been a while since I uploaded anything....because I'm lazy. Lots of changes are going on in my life some good and some unexpected and tough to deal with. Let's catch up, shall we?

I'm relocating to a bigger space sometime soon, I'm looking for an apartment as I write this actually. I'm really looking forward to a new space because with that comes fresh beginnings and also opportunities for redecorating! I love my tiny apartment but it's time to move on.

I love my job, business has been great and all of our customers down at Merge have been a blast! I recently made a new friend in town from LA doing a show at Buff State. His name is Eric Schwartz and he is a very funny comedian, check out his stuff on YouTube. He likes pineapple juice. ALSO, we are totally organic now and the food is amazing. Check out the Merge website for events and our new spring menu. (wow, I sound like a commercial sorry.)

I recently started doing P90X exercise program and getting back into shape. I've put my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu studies on hold for a few months. The aggressive mentality needed to succeed and tackle obstacles I run into while training became too draining for me. I look forward to getting back on the mats when I'm more mentally prepared, right now I'm stretched a little thin. I'm trying to take care of myself physically and mentally.

While some really bad things have happened to me in the past few months I'm trying hard to simplify my life while simultaneously realizing that life is infinitely complicated. We are all touched by death, loss, regret and hopefully, if we are lucky, love. It's all a part of living and while I don't LIKE the shitty parts, the great parts wouldn't be as wonderful.

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