
Trips & Trip-ups

Everything always gets really chaotic all at once! I finally opened the Etsy store only to realize that I have so, so much to learn about making my wares look really appealing. I'm in the process of re-shooting my current works as well as working on some new imagery and prototypes of new forms.

At the same time I thought this would be a great time to try and get my website up and running...I know nothing about websites. BUT my really super awesome friend and photographer Shelby Skumanich does and together we've been trying to install WordPress onto my database with no success. BUT, I know I'll get it soon I think I just have to start all over from scratch. So, samskrits.com will hopefully be live within the next 2 weeks and have something moderately (or fantastically!) interesting on it.

I've been playing with Photoshop to enhance my images and here are some that I treated similarly:

I'm also preparing to leave tomorrow morning for Sarasota, FL to visit my man-love, Mark and try to be productive while being inspired by moderate temperatures and the company of one of my most favorite persons. I will bring you all back a seashell.


ETCIllustration said...

Lookin' good, Sammo!

shelby marie skumanich said...

The photos look so lovely, Sam! They are such an improvement over the first ones you posted.

Also, we will get wordpress working! I promise! Have a wonderful trip.